Chat App

Developed an interactive chat application using Flutter for the user interface and Supabase for real-time data management. I implemented user authentication, message storage and real-time updates using Supabase Authentication and Cloud Firestore.

I designed and built an intuitive and engaging user interface with Flutter that allows users to send and receive messages in real-time. Ensured code quality and maintainability using Flutter best practices and software design principles.

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  • Social Media
  • Timeline: 2-3 weeks
  • Mobile Development

My Role

  • Responsabilities

    • User Interface (UI) Design
    • Feature Development
    • Firebase Integration
    • Maintenance and Updates
  • Technologies


The Project

  • Challenges

    The main challenge i faced with this project was to use the Firebase API and to syncornize the messages in real time. Also, testing the application was another challenge, since I had to test it on two different devices, and I just have one emulator at that time.

  • Outcome

    Successfully develop a fully functional chat application with real-time messaging capabilities.
